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Membership of the organization shall be based on two criteria:

a) All Nigerian citizens of Lagos State origin. A person of Lagos State origin is defined as a person or persons whose any of his or her parents or grandparents hailed from any of the twenty local government areas of Lagos state. 

b) Persons with parentage from the southwest region of Nigeria that meet one of the following criteria:

  • If not of Lagos state parentage, he/she must be born in Lagos state.
  • He or she must be born in Lagos State, or grew up, schooled in, and must have lived in Lagos State for a period of not less than 15 years.


Membership is open to all people that meet the above requirements, in addition to the under listed conditions 

a) Must be 21 years of age

b) Must be resident within the fifty contiguous states of United State of America, Nigeria, and other countries of the world.

C) Must be a person of integrity with a verifiable profession, trade or source or sources of legitimate income

d) Must share the values espoused in our preamble

e) Must be ready to assist the organization in any way in the realization of its goals and objectives

f) Must be law abiding, of good moral character, and eschew all acts that reflect negatively on Nigeria and its peoples, and United State of America

g) Must have ability to pay monthly or annual dues and levies as needed except in exceptional situations as determined by the association. 

Interested Persons will have to request for Membership application. A completed application must be returned with non-refundable fee of $100.


The executive council in tandem with board of directors, with the consent or concurrence of the general membership of the organization, shall confer honorary membership of the organization on person or persons from different countries and cultures who have proven, through verifiable acts that they are friends, and share the values that binds us together.